Friday, May 10, 2024
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Bone Marrow Drive
Created by SuperUser Account on 11/16/2009 6:10:26 PM

The Sathya Sai Center of Memphis participated in the National Drive for the Bone Marrow registration. Since this was a festival season, we thought we could go to the festival sites and try to get more participants. We had a total of three drives and we were successful in registering 65 members of the Indian community. Our center devotees were very excited to participate. We had more than 20 volunteers including some of the young adults and SSE students. It was a great experience and devotees really enjoyed it. We contacted the local office of the National Marrow Donor Program to get trained and to obtain the kits. They were very cooperative.

Bone Marrow Drive MEMPHIS, Tennessee

The Sathya Sai Center of Memphis participated in the National Drive for the Bone Marrow registration. Since this was a festival season, we thought we could go to the festival sites and try to get more participants. We had a total of three drives and we were successful in registering 65 members of the Indian community. Our center devotees were very excited to participate. We had more than 20 volunteers including some of the young adults and SSE students. It was a great experience and devotees really enjoyed it. We contacted the local office of the National Marrow Donor Program to get trained and to obtain the kits. They were very cooperative.



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